In 2001 the Government initiated the CLP concept with local authorities as a way of getting communities to create a grass-roots movement to do more for themselves unencumbered by red tape. In 2013 the decision was taken by the Parish Council to set up a Stratton Audley CLP group.
Community Led Plans give everyone in the Community a chance to say what they think about the issues that may affect their locality and how they would like to see it develop in the future; or not as the case may be!
The Parish Council decided to see if our community had a taste for a CLP and organised a launch event in the Church on the 30th April 2013. The event was attended by some 60 villagers and as a result a Steering Committee was formed with a mixture of council members and others from the community. It is not in any way a rival organisation to the Parish Council but complimentary.
Our CLP group is supported by the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council (ORCC) and is not as formal as some groups in that it does not have its own constitution. There is nothing to prevent a more robust organisation being created and if sufficient people wanted this to happen then the Parish Council would back its development.
Following on from a series of social events where everyone was encouraged to put forward their ideas, a questionnaire was created and delivered to all households in February 2015. This achieved a 55% response rate with just over 100 questionnaires returned and the initial analysis was presented at the Annual Open Parish meeting on 15 May 2015. Download the presentation by clicking on the link SA Survey results. If you are unable to open this document please contact us.
The working group is now in the process of preparing an initial plan to be completed by the end of 2015. The CLP working group may or may not continue beyond the production and agreement of a village plan. This is entirely up to the steering group and the feed-back received from the community