Submit objections to EWR Contruction Traffic by 9th February

EWRL have informed us that it was a mistake to attempt to route HGV traffic through the village and this will be confirmed in writing to the Parish Council. However HGV vehicles will still travel along the road to Poundon which  runs off the A4421 to another depot and we need to register our strong concern and ensure as a minimum there are improvements to the junction, speed restrictions and other controls.

Furthermore, the Parish Council has noted that it is being proposed that an additional (up to 200 vehicles, non HGV construction traffic) will be routed through the village along the Stoke Lyne Road, into Church Street and then along the Launton Road. This is unacceptable and will be robustly apposed. We understand that this route is for staff/supplier vehicles which could include small trucks, and will likely be condensed into the hours of 6.00am -8.00 am and 4.00-8.00pm, at a time when other commuting traffic into and out of the village is also at its peak. We propose;

The Parish Council will be discussing a formal response at the next PC meeting on 31st January in order to reinforce all the objections received from the community.

Register your view by visiting the website:

 or by Email:

Or by writing to: FREEPOST EAST WEST RAIL CONSULTATION (must be in capitals)