Refuse/ litter/ fly tipping

Over 80% of our waste can be recycled in Cherwell so residents are encouraged to recycle as much as possible. And it is not only the centre that is doing well in our recent survey of residents, bin collection was one of the most highly commended services with 99% of respondents rating it good or very good.

Residents have three bins to deal with their waste,

  • a blue bin for recycling. To see what you can put in the blue bin click here.
  • a brown garden waste bin and kitchen food caddy. To see what you can put in the brown bin click here.
  • a green bin for general waste that goes to an ERF (Energy Recovery Facility). To see what you can put in the green bin click here.

The bins are emptied on alternate weeks, with the blue and brown bins one week, then the green bin the next.  Click to the event calendar for the correct days.  Households can have up to five recycling bins, so any combination of four blue or brown bins and one green bin. As nearly 80% of waste can be recycled or composted, each household should only have one green bin and the collection crews do monitor this.

They can also collect old batteries and small electrical items at the kerbside. You can put them in separate bags on top of any of your bins on collection day. Remember to keep the batteries separate from the small electrical items.

For further information visit the CDC website

The District Council is also responsible for litter and fly tipping. If you are concerned or want to report something then call the General Customer Services number on 01295 227 001 or Waste Services number on 01295 227003.