As a result of identifying issues and ideas at various village events over the previous two years a questionnaire was devised and distributed door to door through the village and surrounding parish in February 2015. See it by clicking on this link CLP Stratton Questionnaire
A PowerPoint presentation was shown at the Annual Parish Open Meeting on Tuesday 12 May 2015 and it encapsulates a summary of the data compiled from all the questionnaires that were returned by the deadline of mid-March 2015. Download it by clicking on the following link SA Survey results
Just over 180 questionnaires were hand delivered to households in and around Stratton Audley and just over 100 were hand collected – a 55% response rate which is a good and meaningful result. The raw data from which this analysis was constructed is available upon request.
When viewing the data please bear in mind that caution should be exercised as the figures recorded against individual questions should be seen as indications of views rather than precisely definitive data. This is because some of the responses reflect the views of several members of a household and others a single view, plus respondents had the freedom to disregard questions if they so wished, so overall totals do sometimes vary slightly.
The intention is for the information recorded to form the basis of a Parish Plan. Views emerging from the questionnaire which have strong support will help inform the plan. It is likely that ideas will be categorised into short, medium and long term and given weightings depending on how hard or easy they may be to achieve. The written plan will give broader visibility to local issues and projects, identify specific initiatives, provide a baseline against which progress on these can be monitored, and document hard evidence which can influence internal and external decision makers in the future.