

Most planning applications are dealt with by the District Council. In Stratton Audley’s case that is Cherwell District Council and all the information relating to an application or how to go about making an application can be found on the CDC website

For advice you can also call them and the best number is 01295 227 006.

Up until now Stratton Audley has been classified as a category 2 settlement but with the approval in Summer 2015 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031, it has become a category 3 settlement.

The guidelines allow for in-fills usually one or two houses, and conversions. They can also allow for other small scale settlements if what they are replacing is an eyesore. Other considerations would be whether any development would bring with it a significant environmental or community benefit.

The Parish Council is  a “statutory consultee”  for  planning applications. This means that the Council is sent all planning applications relating to the Village and is invited to consider the applications and send its comments or views about whether or not the application should be approved back to the District Council. The District Council is the approving authority and has the final say, but they do take into account the Parish’s comments when it makes a decision on a planning application. It does not need to do what the Parish Council requests but if it does not, it needs to be able to give reasons why this would not be appropriate.

The District Council is responsible for posting  public notices and informing any residents in the immediate area of a planning application. All agendas for Parish Council meetings include an item on “planning” where the Parish Council consider in public the applications that have been received since the last meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and voice their opinions which the Parish Council will take into account in their response to CDC.

So to summarise, if you are concerned about a planning application you should attend the next Parish Council meeting, contact one of the Parish Councillors and write to Cherwell District Council. 

Planning Protocol on pre application meetings for major developments