The main purpose in setting up a CLP has been to develop a longer term plan for the village. This can be a simple document that identifies key issues and likes/dislikes or it can go into far greater detail identifying future needs, strategies for achieving certain aims and addressing planning and development matters.
The intention is for the information recorded from the parish survey to form the basis of a CLP Parish Plan. Views emerging from the questionnaire which have strong support will help inform the plan. It is likely that ideas will be categorised into short, medium and long term and given weightings depending on how hard or easy they may be to achieve. The written plan will give broader visibility to local issues and projects, identify specific initiatives, provide a baseline against which progress on these can be monitored, and document hard evidence which can influence internal and external decision makers in the future.
The plan is being developed during 2015 with the intention of presenting it to the village for discussion in early 2016. From this plan one outcome may be to move on to develop a more substantial Neighbourhood Plan. These are much more involved and mainly to do with use of land and planning permissions with a longer term view. They have far wider scope and therefore require greater due diligence to ensure all interested parties are involved in the process. With this in mind, the Parish Council registered and has had approved the designation of the Parish for a potential Neighbourhood Plan in the future.