Check out the HEART STARTING Defibrillator installed in Church Porch

As part of the Community Emergency Plan for Stratton Audley, the Parish Councillor installed a Defibrillator in the porch of the church in 2016. Fortunately it has not been needed but please go and have a look at it. Anyone can access it for use in an emergency by following the simple instruction to call an emergency number to get a code to open the unit. Then the Defib unit can be removed and carried to the person whose heart has stopped. It is always fully charged and ready for use by anyone, even without training, as the machine once switched on gives you verbal instructions. However regular training sessions take place and you can call Stewart on 01869 277 937 to put your name down for a session.

These devises are known to save lives if used quickly and are designed as an interim measure to help prior to the arrival of paramedics. It has a GPS device installed in order to track it s location so the medics can find the location of the person in distress.

One the most frequently asked questions is ‘what happens if I use it on someone whose heart has not stopped beating?‘ and the answers is that the machine will not deliver a shock as it has a built in sensor to detect whether there is a heart beat or not.

Cllr Stewart Hopkins is a qualified and insured First Aider, able to provide refresher First Aid awareness to interested residents on an annual basis and saving the cost of employing an outside trainer.   Some 12 people have previously undertaken some basic instruction.