News Update no 122, September 8th, 2023

Churchyard Tidy-Up this Saturday 9th September
The following is from Anthony Flack:
“Last week we almost completed wilderness clearance of the Churchyard and need one more session to fully complete the task.
So this Saturday 9th September 2023 –  09.00 to 12 noon is the nominated day to get it done.
If you have never volunteered before just turn up and you will receive a very warm welcome. I hope you can join me.  PS –You know what to bring – hedger trimmers – strimmers – secateurs- shears –rakes”.The Church
The following is from Becky Adams:
Family Service with Baptism this coming Sunday (10th September) 10.45am – All welcomeCoffee Morning in Church next Tuesday 11am – midday. If you haven’t been before then why not come along and dip your toe in the water? You can be assured of a warm welcome, though if it stays hot then the church is a wonderfully cool place to be!

‘Little Lambs’ for babies and toddlers has started the new term and will be meeting on Wednesday (9.30am – 11am) Just come along or if you’d like more information about the group then contact Alice on 01280 848192 or

The Foodbank donation box remains open for donations in the church porch – most needed items:  Tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, tinned vegetarian-suitable meals, tinned meat meals, tinned tomatoes, tinned rice pudding, tinned soup.

Harvest Home Celebration – This year we will be celebrating at David and Phillippa Taylor’s farm, Waterloo Farm (on the road to Fringford). Put the date in your diary: Sunday 24th September (11am) There will be an uplifting harvest thanksgiving service followed by a hearty harvest lunch. No charge and no need to book, though it would help with catering arrangements if you can let us know you plan to come. Email: or ring 01280 848192″

News from The Barn
From all the team:
We are looking to host a few pop up nights at the barn which we’d love to have a real village community feel to, with the weather glorious, we thought we’d go for an impromptu late summer pizza night to kick them off on Friday 15th September! Details above.
Fresh Fish every Thursday – Still Parking outside the pub!
Despite the pub closing,Jack from Grimsby continues to come to the village on Thursday’s between 6.15-7pm and parks his van outside the Red Lion. He has a wide selection of fresh fish and shellfish. You can just turn up or place orders in advance by text and his mobile number is 07535 935119.Fish & Chips Van in the village on Saturdays
For those new in the community, a Howe’s Fish and Chip van comes to the village every Saturday lunchtime from 1.30pm to 2pm. You will hear a bell (like a school bell) and his first stop is in Cherry Street. He then drives along Cavendish Place and stops again at the junction with Mill Road.
They also have a general number you can call 07809 901761.Wilderness Quarter Open day at the old quarry
As previously reported Bicester Motion plan to hold an Open Weekend  where everyone will have the opportunity to visit the site of the old quarry, which  they plan to develop into a Wilderness
park. This was originally scheduled for September but now is likely to be in October.

October Scramble – local residents discount
The last Scramble of the year at Bicester Heritage is on the 8th October.
Meet the 50 specialists currently in residence around the site, take in curated displays of classic, collector and race cars, and treat the kids for a full day’s entertainment!
The whole family will love the Scramble, with dedicated children’s entertainment to keep you from break point and smashing fun for everyone. You’ll have the advantage of longer opening hours, as the event is open from 9am until 4pm.
Bicester Heritage will be celebrating many of the landmark anniversaries on the central display lawn by Building 123, from MG to Jackie Stewart, and the popular Autojumble will return to Hangar 113.
As usual, discounted tickets are allocated for local residents at 50% off, the promo code is: BristolBoxkite and can be used at this link.

And a few previous items that are still active and relevant:

Planning Applications

Cherwell District Council have some staff shortages and therefore there is a backlog of applications building up which affects the following amongst others.

The planning application 23/01368/F for the Traveller Site located off the A4421 is currently under consideration by CDC planning officers.

The Retrospective Planning Application (23/01085/F) applied for by Bicester Motion, has been referred to the  Cherwell Planning Committee but the date has not yet been announced.

With regard to the Padbury Brook Solar Application (reference: 22/03873/F), again there is no further news.

Local Police Bicester and Kidlington Rural Team News

To report a crime or contact the police there are now three options:
·       Call 999 if you see a crime being committed or in an emergency 
·       Call 101 to report anything else to the police – or go online to do so
·       And now police are partnering with CrimeStoppers to remind everyone of ‘The 3rd Number – 0800 555 111’ that enables you to report your information totally anonymously if you prefer.
Finally for the latest crime statistics there is a useful national site into which you can put your post code. Click on this link  Bicester Rural | (