The Parish Council has purchased a Vehicle Activated Speed sign and installed it at the entrance to the village on the Bicester Road. From time to time it will be relocated to other roads in order to encourage drivers to slow down. This sign has the facility to show the approaching vehicle  it’s speed from about 100 meters out and intermittently flash ‘Slow Down’ also showing  instantly their reduced speed.

All vehicle movements and speeds are recorded and will be downloaded to allow a picture to be built up over time. It runs off a battery which needs to be recharged  every few weeks and replaced with a spare one that we have also purchased.

The unit cost £3200 and was purchased with money built up by the Parish Council from various community events plus a grant of some £900 from an OCC community fund thanks to the efforts of our excellent County Councillor, Ian Corkin.

The Bicester Road was chosen as the first location as it is the busiest road in and out of the village according the data gathered in a survey carried out in 2013. Interestingly, at that time, data shows that more cars were speeding out of the village than into it, so we may consider turning the unit around occasionally.

Please let us know what you think.

TIME TO COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS? Nominations now closed. One New Nomination Received

Details of nominations received can be found by viewing this pdf:

SAPC Concil nominations 2018



Stratton Audley Parish Council are due for elections in May this year and the good news is that we have been given approval by the District Council to increase our number by two, so that there are seven vacancies in total.

We have done this to try and broaden our demographics on the council to reflect those of the community as a whole. A Councillor is required to attend meetings once a month and perhaps take on responsibility for a particular area or interest. Meetings usually last 2 hours and oare light-hearted and seldom heated! Why not come along and observe a meeting to see what you think?

For those of you who are not familiar with the procedure, elections for all places are held every four years and any resident on the electoral role over the age of 18 is eligible and able to put their name forward to join the Parish Council.

An uncontested election occurs when the required number of places are filled by those putting their name forward. An election occurs where more than the stipulated number of places are capable of being filled, and in this case the cost to the Parish Council will be in the region of £900 for Cherwell District Council to set up a formal voting booth in the village and administer the proceedings. Whilst the Parish Council does not wish to hold a costly election, it is incumbent upon us to make clear that this facility is available in the event of demand outstripping supply.

Please feel free to contact and discuss your interest with any existing Parish Councillor, contact details by clicking on this link: https://strattonaudley.org/parish-council-2/parish-council/

Nomination papers will be available in March from the Clerk who can be contacted via email: strattonaudley.parishclerk@gmail.com . Nomination papers will need to be returned by a specified date in early April. the Parish Council will confirm when it is aware of the timetable.

So maybe it is time to come out of the shadows and play a more active role in your community!

READ THIS UPDATE. Stakeholder Manager for East West Rail link to attend next Parish Council meeting on 7th March.


PC registers strong objections to East West Rail Link construction proposals

East West Rail Phase 2 – Round Three consultation

A resident in the Stables has advised that according to the NR website the consultation for newly identified landowners notified on 5th February is open until 5/3/2018 for consultation. This apparently was not made clear in the correspondence so if you received a letter dated 5/2 and wish to send in comments you still have time.

Next Parish Council meeting

 The Stake Holder Manager for East West Rail, Mr Charles Hurst has accepted an invitation to attend the next Parish Meeting on Wednesday 7th March and this will be held in the large Red room of the Red Lion commencing at 7pm.

We will be given an update on the latest developments and further clarification on the likely period of construction and disruption for the area as a whole. From a Parish point of view the key issues still under consideration are the proposals to route LGV vehicles through the village, and the HGV and other traffic flows along and off the A4421 onto the Poundon Road by Stratton Park.

If you have a specific question that you feel may not be covered, please let us know it in advance so it can be added for discussion.

 Re HGV weight restriction

Quite separately to the above but entirely relevant to it, we understand Trading Standards Oxfordshire are quite active in prosecuting companies that violate weight restrictions on roads in the County and are keen for members of the public to report matters for investigation. Their website is the easiest place to report possible breaches and it also offers helpful advice and guidance on how to spot vehicles of each size:




Following on from the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday night attended by some 25 people please see the Parish Councils response to the East West Rail Link Construction Traffic Consultation which incorporates views expressed at the meeting and may be useful to anyone intending to respond in person directly to EWR.

SAPC – EWR objection submission

Responses need to be with EWR by 9th February and the fastest way is to go to the website link which was on the leaflet previously circulated:  https://consultations.networkrail.co.uk/communications/east-west-rail-phase-2-round-three-consultation/

Alternatively you can register your view by Emailing: ewrconsultation@networkrail.co.uk


The return of the Stratton Audley Food, Beer, & Music Festival. A traditional street festival for all the family. Saturday 2 June 2018  from 11am to 6pm. Save the date NOW!

(The next planning meeting will be held in the Red lion on Tuesday 27th March commencing at 7.30pm. All welcome)

Come and join this FREE event with something for all the family. Do some shopping, have a bite to eat & drink, listen to the live music and let the children have fun in a safe and friendly environment.

Church Street will be closed for the day and filled with trade stands, with kids activities in the Manor grounds and old fashioned teas and cakes in the adjacent church.


Free entry and ample parking • mini beer festival • live music throughout the day • a brass band     • a pig roast, burgers and bangers • a bouncy castle, inflatable slide, face painting and much more • teas & cakes in the church • pub food and drinks • a Super Draw and an amazing tombola


If you have local produce or have an arts & craft skill, why not take a stall for only £35. There are still some sites available. To become part of this special day please call Pam or Rob on 07710 126131 or email: safoodfest@gmail.com

We are collecting for the Tombola and should you have any new small items please contact Sally-Anne (277 371) at The Old School or John Honsinger at Stratton House (278 000).

Of course cakes will be needed for the Teas & Cake stall in the Church and this is being coordinated by Jackie Fox.

Many people have volunteered to help on the day but we always need more, so do get in touch – see the full page advertisement for more information.

We would like to take this early opportunity to thank The Manor for agreeing to allow their grounds to be used on the day as part of the festival and for all the support being offered by residents.

 See us on Facebook – Stratton Audley Food Beer & Music Festival

All proceeds support nominated charities, the church building fund and other village good


Just a few of the photos from last time.



CHURCHYARD TIDY UP – Many hands make light work!

On Saturday 24th March Jeremy Adams, Churchwarden, will be organising a Spring Tidy-up of the churchyard from 10am onwards and he would really appreciate your help!   If you can bring tools for trimming and tidying then that would be helpful as well.   Coffee and cake will be there to help things along.   Even if you can only come for a short time then do drop in.   As they say – many hands make light work.

Any queries ahead of the day, ring Jeremy on 01869 277471.

Submit objections to EWR Contruction Traffic by 9th February

EWRL have informed us that it was a mistake to attempt to route HGV traffic through the village and this will be confirmed in writing to the Parish Council. However HGV vehicles will still travel along the road to Poundon which  runs off the A4421 to another depot and we need to register our strong concern and ensure as a minimum there are improvements to the junction, speed restrictions and other controls.

Furthermore, the Parish Council has noted that it is being proposed that an additional (up to 200 vehicles, non HGV construction traffic) will be routed through the village along the Stoke Lyne Road, into Church Street and then along the Launton Road. This is unacceptable and will be robustly apposed. We understand that this route is for staff/supplier vehicles which could include small trucks, and will likely be condensed into the hours of 6.00am -8.00 am and 4.00-8.00pm, at a time when other commuting traffic into and out of the village is also at its peak. We propose;

The Parish Council will be discussing a formal response at the next PC meeting on 31st January in order to reinforce all the objections received from the community.

Register your view by visiting the website:



 or by Email: ewrconsultation@networkrail.co.uk

Or by writing to: FREEPOST EAST WEST RAIL CONSULTATION (must be in capitals)


Happy Christmas from the Parish Council

The Parish Council would like to take the opportunity to wish all residents of Stratton Audley Parish a very happy Christmas and to say how much we look forward to serving the local community in 2018.

With best wishes from Anthony Flack, Stewart Hopkins, George Nicholson, Mike Hedgecox, Anne Davies & John Honsinger.

Village Carol Singers Hit the Right Note

On Tuesday the 18th December a band of twelve villagers carol sung around Stratton Audley.

The weather was kind and with a refuelling stop at Annette Jones we raised the grand sum of £258.37!! This is a fantastic amount and this money is going to the Homeless Hostal in Oxford.

Many thanks to all who participated and the people who donated.

Maybe same time next year?

Becky Adams


The power cut that affected the village and surrounding area was due to a pole cracking in a field next to the Old Huntsman House. The Parish Council asked Scottish and Southern to carry out an urgent review and they promptly sent a team out to inspect all local network and main network poles in the Stratton Audley area. Any poles considered to be dangerous have been identified and arrangements will be made for actions to be taken at the earliest opportunity. Any poles that need attention but are not considered to be dangerous will be put in to the schedule to be dealt with in due course.

The whole village and some of the surrounding area suffered a power cut starting just after 8.30am and lasted 15 hours, with the power coming back on at around 11.30pm.

Resilience team leader, Stewart Hopkins, did a great job visiting those we know potentially fall into the ‘priority service’ category together with support from other councillors. A number of weaknesses were identified which will be addressed such as the need to have a reserve of torches, hot water bottles and flasks that can be loaned to people who do not or cannot leave their homes.

At lunchtime the four main roads through Stratton Audley were snow ploughed by local farmer Richard Wise who has a contract with the Parish Council to undertake such work when required.

The reason why the village was particularly badly affected was due to a rotten wooden utility pole which collapsed in the field next to the Old Huntsman House (see photo below of new pole). It was fortunate that it fell in a direction away from the house! Scottish & Southern were not able to get a crew on site until mid-afternoon and they then had to bring in heavy lifting equipment and a new telegraph pole which meant the work went on into the evening.

We will be discussing this matter at the next PC meeting  and proposing that we ask Scottish & Southern to carry out an urgent audit of all their wooden utility poles in the Parish, particularly where they are located close to buildings, as they present a clear and present danger if they are not fit for purpose.

Do let the Parish Council know if you have anything to add or contribute to this matter.